Sunday, May 23, 2021

Burning Flame

Nope, this isn't about that ultra-popular song from "The Bangles."

This is about the fact that today is Pentecost Sunday.

Even as a kid, I was fascinated about this Holy day of Obligation. I'd enjoy hearing and reading, and re-hearing and re-reading about the story of The Pentecost. In particular, the story about how the tongues of fire or flame descended from heaven and were on top of the heads of the disciples.

Also as a kid, I'd secretly hope that whenever we'd hear the Pentecost Sunday Mass that these flames would actually descend on our heads, too. I'd close my eyes in prayer, then slowly peek to see if it did happen. 

Spoiler alert, it didn't. Physically, at least.

But spiritually, I know it was happening. 

Because that's how the flames of our Faith burn in our hearts.

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