Friday, June 19, 2020

FMM: Way back when...

This week, D' Frendz and I were chatting and Mona mentioned the line: "Noong unang panahon."

Of course, like the usual D' Frendz conversations, this suddenly went a totally different direction, and we were suddenly talking about that old song from "Tales of the Manuvu." Particularly this song:

"Noong Unang Panahon" is a memorable song for me. We performed this in our High School Glee Club, and we "toured" around different campuses and venues performing this song. Our teacher, Mr. Ortega, prepared a full number of songs from that musical, and our number was introduced as: "Overture from 'The Tales of the Manuvu.'"

It started as a song, transitioned into a dance, then culminated in a battle. And it was a hit everywhere we went.

Gosh, that was so long ago. Now, looking back at it, this really felt like it was "Noong Unang Panahon."

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