Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Of planned and accidental reunions

The Morales family always loved reunions. Especially since our family is pretty much scattered in different parts of the world. Majority would be in the U.S., and there's a branch of the family that's in Barcelona.

Tonight, after almost a decade, we were reunited with our Catalan cousins here in Manila. What made it even more special is that they brought along with them their kids - all first time visitors to Manila. The last time I saw these kids, they were wee little toddlers. And now, they're in their teens! Time indeed flies so fast.

The kids wanted Western food so we headed off to TGIFriday's in Glorietta. Since they don't have TGIFriday's in Spain, they really enjoyed the experience - from the food, the atmosphere, and even the birthday song. It was great fun for everyone, except maybe for Vito. (See sleeping kid on the lower right hand corner.)

While we were there, another reunion happened. Albeit an accidental one! The GRIPS gang from Japan was there to celebrate Karen's birthday, and I bumped into them on my way to the restroom. Awesomeness!

According to Ivy, the timing couldn't be more perfect. She said that Mark just sent them a comment how he missed everyone, and suddenly, Mark's representative pops up! This moment deserved a photo.

Needless to say, I went home all giddy and smiley because of the reunion. Because in Ate Vi's famous words: "Not just one, but two!"

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