Friday, April 16, 2010

So Pinoy!

They finally aired the 1st part of the Project Runway finale episode, and unfortunately, Jay Nicolas lost out to Mila. While it would've been cool to have a Pinoy in the top 3, having one in the top 4 ain't so bad.

While watching Jay's interaction with Tim, it's so easy to see how much of his Pinoy-ness he's retained even after living in the U.S. for a long time.

1. Jay's Pinoy wit - His banter with Tim was excellent. In particular, when Tim told him that his collection was "Cuckoo", his answer was, "It's Cuckoo Chanel, girl!" Fantastic!

2. Jay's Mom's reaction - When she was introduced to Tim Gunn, her first reaction was "I only see you on TV!" Which is a very Pinoy reaction when seeing celebrities.

3. Response to "How are you?" - Americans usually answer "I'm good." Pinoys would say: "I'm fine."

4. Pinoy food! - I'm so glad they cooked Pinoy food for Tim. And it looks like Tim enjoyed it.

Hearing the word "Philippines" and "Manila" in this episode was such a high. It wouldn't have made it there if Jay didn't make it this far. It's so heartening to see a Pinoy get this far on Project Runway. And I'm doubly heartened by the fact that Jay was proud of his heritage and roots.

For that, he's already a winner.

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