Manong Pepe's is Jollibee's version of the carinderia. It serves cheap food in a clean, no-nonsense setting. And like the carinderias I knew as a kid, (like Carling's near National Bookstore and Aling Lucy's beside our old house) the food they serve is really good.
I dropped by this morning and saw that they had champorado and tuyo! That's the 2nd most winning food combination ever! (The first being Tilapia and ginisang monggo.) The champorado was perfect - chocolatey without being too sweet. The tuyo was - well, tuyo. It's hard to go wrong with tuyo anyway.
And how much did this combo cost me? A mere P26.00! Now I can get a thrill during breakfast without spending a lot.
The Tilapia and Ginisang Monggo pairing is always first on my list of favorite lunches, at home and at the office. Classic... with hot rice.
Yup, it's so... Holy Week. Hahaha. Welcome to the Tilapia and Monggo club.
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