When wafer sticks were all the rage and my nephews and nieces were all buying Stik-O, I took a chance on an unknown brand called Giziku. That chance, in my opinion, paid off immensely. This was no ordinary wafer stick. It was close to perfection!
The stick was almost light as air and very crunchy. It almost disintegrates the moment you bite into it. That gives way to the choco filling that oozes, oozes out with it's creamy consistency. (I always found Stik-O's filling too dry for my taste.) There were times when the packs would have "defective sticks" or sticks with twice or thrice the amount of choco filling. Those were times worth relishing, of course.
For the longest time, Giziku was readily available at SM, Daily and Shopwise. But the past 6 months, they weren't in any of these places. This led to my irrational fear that they might've been phased out. After all, wafer sticks have been pushed off the snack map by Pillows and pillow-like snackers.
Thankfully, they were in Robinson's. And today, I got 2 big packs and opened the first one. (No defective sticks, though.) There were 4 more big packs left there, which makes me wonder whether I should go back for them tomorrow.
To hoard or not to hoard. That is the question.
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