This film was shown in HKG early this year, and my colleagues and I decided to watch it one lazy afternoon. This is a very small, indie film from the UK and it looks like it was a digital film. At certain points of the movie, a cursor and some computer commands came popping up - to the chagrin of the viewers.
Despite the format and the occasional glitch, it was a very, very nice movie. "Imagine Me and You" is a light drama-romance film which has its share of the gratuitous "kilig" moments. The only twist to that is the love story happens between two women. (And one of them just got married, so you know where the complication lies.)
Like "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Dan in Real Life", this movie is one of those "little movies that could." Despite it being very low key and quiet, it delivered a lot of strong punches. The characters, the dialogue, they all made the movie work. Actually, it had the same "feel good factor" as "Love, Actually" except that Keira Knightley would've fallen for Emma Thompson. Harhar. The song at the end of the film has to be the crescendo of feel-good-ness.
I'm not sure how the audience in Manila will accept it though. (It wasn't a hit in HKG) A love story between two women isn't very common here, so I'm not sure of the box office potential. But it's good that Robinson's Movieworld brought the film in, and hopefully, people watch it and see how nice it is.
It's a big risk, but they took it. Imagine that.
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