Saturday, December 31, 2022
Getting back to (the new) normal
Friday, December 30, 2022
FMM: Life IS better
Today's Friday Magic Madness song is inspired by a Netflix series that I've recently been binge-watching. But I'll talk about that in another post. Today is about the song.
This song was a huge, huge, HUGE hit in 1998. It was a dance club anthem that they would often play in places where there are people dancing. That includes music halls, clubs, videoke joints, company parties, birthday perties, Christmas parties - the whole shebang!
It's a song from The Tamperer featuring Maya, and the title is a cheeky one that encapsulates the experience of listening to the song:
"If you buy this record, your life will be better."
Gosh! The title itself is worth gushing over. It's so fun and cheesy!
And the song - it's so happy, peppy and danceable. Plus, it samples "Material Girl" from Madonna, which makes it even more appealing to 80s kids like me. And yes, this song was played non-stop at the office whenever we worked overtime.
Listening to this song again after a long time, I can say that my life had definitely become better.
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Feeling Randy
After my pre-New Year lunch with Mark at Shangrila Mall, I dropped by True Value on the 6th floor to get some LED bulbs.
Lo and behold, a few feet away from the hardware store, there was a Randy's Donuts kiosk!
I've been wanting to try this since they opened in BGC early this year. And it's so awesome that they finally opened one near the office.
Tried a dozen donuts and went for the premium ones. They had flavours like Red Velvet, Coffee, Hazelnut, Oreo, S'mores, among many others. The one that really caught my eye was the Raspberry-filled Glazed donut. And yes, it did not disappoint.
The donuts are really good! Not too sweet, the right amount of doughiness and chew, and the size is definitely bigger than the usual donuts. Which should be expected given their price point.
This is going to be a great addition to my donut repertoire.
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Make mine Magenta
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Closing a Chapter
Monday, December 26, 2022
He’s coming to town
This year's Christmas wrapping theme was actually a case of reverse engineering.
It all started with these Santa Claus clips.
These clips are almost 5 years old. Mark and I bought these in Tokyo, at one of our favourite black holes, Flying Tiger. It was near Christmas that time, that's why they had holiday stuff out. My purchase that day included 6 boxes of these clips.
After unearthing it in my closet, it was clear that this had to be part of 2022's Christmas wrapping theme.
Luckily, National Bookstore had Santa-themed wrappers out early. Believe it or not, these wrappers were on display as early as July this year. It was a sign!
The Santa Claus print in this wrapper had a bronze scarf against his classic red suit. It was natural that the ribbons for the year would echo these 2 colours.
Then, there were the tags. I designed these with different Santa Claus prints, from the classic to the whimsical.Sunday, December 25, 2022
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Christmas Chill
Friday, December 23, 2022
FMM: Remember her name
Every 80s kid knows Irene Cara.
From her memorable voice to her wonderful songs to her stellar performances, she was an artist who transcended one medium. She was a singer, an actress, an activist and an icon. Her presence and personality was so big, her absence is felt.
It’s been almost a month since she’s passed, and the musical world isn’t the same without her.
But just like her iconic song, while she might be gone, everyone will remember her name:
Her iconic “Fame” is the perfect Friday Magic Madness song to celebrate her life, her legacy, and of course, her fame.
Thursday, December 22, 2022
It’s a Wrap
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Decade and decades
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Hot Rod-ic’s
Monday, December 19, 2022
Ca(n’)t be bothered
Sunday, December 18, 2022
For reasons that escape me, we didn't put up our Christmas Tree last year.
That's why this year, we made sure that it was up and lit by November.
And now, almost all the gifts for the year are also under the tree!
Now, that's a treat!
Saturday, December 17, 2022
The Boss
Nope, this post isn't about Diana Ross' iconic song.
But hey, I wrote about that already.
This is about our neighbour's adorable cat.
His name is "Bossing." Which is truly an apt name for him since he's super bossy. He bosses around the neighbourhood cats. He walks around as if he owns the compound. And when he "Meows", his voice is round and booming.
Yup, just like a boss.
Friday, December 16, 2022
FMM: Anticipating His Coming
Thursday, December 15, 2022
And the tradition begins...
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Little goes Big!
Little Quiapo has always been our go-to halo-halo and palabok place since I was in grade school. It’s most likely because of its proximity from my old grade school - Claret. We’d sometimes go there after school and have our merienda.
It’s so much part of our lives that even as an adult, i’d still go to Little Quiapo. Nowadays, the Little Quiapo crew is usually composed of Maricar, Mona and Bonique.
We haven’t been to that restaurant in 2020. We’ve always wanted to go back, but haven’t gotten around to doing it. But after seeing this post, we want to go back!
Looks like there’s a big change at Little Quiapo. And i’m here for it!
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Painting the town
Monday, December 12, 2022
Oui like it!
Because of its locale and theme, the Netflix series "Emily in Paris" is one of the most fashionable and chic shows that's currently airing. Although I'm not an avid follower - yet - seeing the fashion on those few episodes made me smile.
Since I was given an invite, and it was just near the office, it was off to Shang to check it out.
When they unveiled the racks, it was clear that Paris was the inspiration for the collection. From the classic stripes, to dotted tulle, to classic denim - a lot of the pieces would definitely fit in the streets of Paris in the summer.
Doing my usual shopping strategy, my eyes did a quick scan and looked for pieces that stood out and made an instant impact. And among the pieces on display, these really caught my eye.
First item, this halter top dress with a loose, trapeze silhouette and a ruffled hem.

Sunday, December 11, 2022
Double happiness
When I was living in China, one of the popular beer brands was Double Happiness.
But this post isn’t about that.
It’s about today’s Double Happiness!
We had a double happy birthday celebration for Dad and Mom. Today is Dad’s birthday, and Mom’s was last Friday.
Of course, it won’t be Dad without a wacky photo.
With family, food and fun, it was truly a doubly happy day!
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Yeah, it’s Time!
Michelle Yeon is Time Magazine’s Icon if the year for 2022!
Yo! This is well-deserved!
Hope the Oscars come next.
Friday, December 09, 2022
FMM: I'm Suk-t
Thursday, December 08, 2022
Once upon a time, that hashtag was THE hashtag that everyone was using. So much so that it became some sort of a joke.
Today, though, that hashtag is not only very apt, it's also very timely. Because on December 8, we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of our Blessed Virgin Mary.
This Feast day is of special significance to me because Mama Mary has been truly kind and merciful to me.
With her, I truly am #FeelingBlessed.
Wednesday, December 07, 2022
Geeking out
Tuesday, December 06, 2022
If Andy met Betty in Japan
Monday, December 05, 2022
From CMC to ASC
Sunday, December 04, 2022
Joining the Harem
Saturday, December 03, 2022
Snacks with Seoul
Call it a “Seoul hangover” after our trip last October, but my cravings for Korean snacks are becoming more frequent.
Good thing there’s a Korean Store a few meters away from the house! It’s so easy to get this:
Chisu Cider is the equivalent of Sprite in Korea, but it’s less sweet and lighter, which is great for me. And the corn chips is one of the things that I discovered in the Lotte Supermarket. It’s a snack that I liked after tasting it. Mark, not so much.
My Seoul snacking self is happy!
Friday, December 02, 2022
FMM: Because she Khan
Thursday, December 01, 2022
Literal and lightweight translation
So, this is what “light blue” is in Tagalog. At least, according to Lazada.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Rose to the occasion
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Monalisa's Mile
Nope, this isn't about Julia Roberts' women empowerment film.
But you know me. I'm a huge Julia Roberts fan and never miss a chance to gush about her.
This is about another Monalisa. An awesome friend who's celebrating her birthday today.
Mona and I met more than 30 years ago as Freshmen in UP Diliman. We were both in Block I-1 of UP CMC. Our block was a fun and diverse group of 1st year students from different provinces, schools and backgrounds. And I'm so fortunate to still be in touch with a lot of my block mates, some of whom have become very close friends.
While we were block mates and classmates in a lot of subjects in CMC, Mona and I moved in different circles. She was a member of "The Geeks," which was our version of "The A-list crowd that everyone wanted to be friends with." Meanwhile, I was just a plain and simple geek. Someone who wasn't cool enough to hang out with the cool kids.
Part of my college memories would be seeing them in CASAA. They'd have 2 rows of tables and chairs for their group, exchanging stories, laughs and Super Lemon candy. We'd say our "hi and hellos" when we'd pass by, but we'd often sit a few tables away from them. (Sometimes, even outside CASAA when it was really full.)
My next major interaction with Mona was when we were in 3rd year. She started this organization called "UP Unang Hakbang" which championed and benefitted street kids. There were two things that drew me to that org: 1.) the very worthy cause they were championing, and 2.) their logo - which is still fresh in my mind until today. It was a crayon drawing rendition of 2 kids, and the org name circling that visual.
That was one of the 1st instances when I was in awe at how Mona would go the extra mile for causes she feels strongly about. She was one of the main reasons I wanted to join. And back then, it was clear that Mona would be a leader who would do great things.
While I did apply for their org and participated in some activities, (okay, 1 activity), my membership fell through. It was probably because I was still working at McDonald's that time, and my crew life took most of my free time.
A year or so later, our paths crossed again in another org - UP Journalism Club. My decision to join the club was very Johnny-come-lately - it was during my graduating year. Mona was one of the officers that time, so she'd be very active in setting tasks for the org applicants.
When it was time for our initiation, we were en route to a "secret location" where the rites were supposed to be held. On our way to the "secret location," someone blurted out "Malapit na ba tayo kina Mona?" That was the 1st time we went to Mona's house in Marikina, and being in her house made me feel like I knew her a bit more.
After graduation, we went our separate ways. But as it usually happens, some of the friendships stayed well beyond the hallowed halls of UP and Plaridel Hall. In my case, those friends were Prichy, Kitel, Wowie, Lhorie and Eva. Even though we all had different jobs, we'd find ways and occasions to meet up.
A year or two after, my post-college-friends-circle expanded. This is when D' Frendz was born. Our group was actually formed in a very organic way. We just came together, grew closer, and stuck to each other for decades.
It was during this time that I really got to know Mona.
There are a number of things that I've learned about Mona which can be considered common knowledge, or things that most people already know.
She's intelligent, she's accomplished, she's a born leader. She's generous, she's selfless, she's a family woman - both to her immediate family and extended family (which includes us, luckily.) She's steadfast, she's headstrong, she's level-headed, and she has admirable Faith.
But in my decades of interaction with her, there are also things that I've learned about her through experience. Quite a number, really.
One that strikes me the most - she's an empath.
Empathy - in the true sense of the word - is difficult to find in people. And for Mona, it comes so naturally.
In my personal experience, she knows when to talk or ask questions, or even offer help. She never presses an issue or a question, and has the uncanny knack of knowing when the right time is.
She already knew Mark for many years when she asked me the question: "Is Francis your friend?" That question actually made me smile when she asked it. And it makes me smile thinking about it now.
After casually mentioning that my colleagues and I were having this issue with the company we were working for, she immediately suggested that we talk to one of the partners in her law firm that specialized in labor issues.
In 2019, while I was in the ER, she was suddenly there with Ate Bullet. She said that it just so happened she was in TMC and saw Ate, and quickly rushed to where I was. She even called Maricar, and I remember they were calmly talking to me and assuring me while lying in the ER. She even brought food from KFC to our room when I was finally admitted. She said that we probably didn't have dinner yet because of all the tests and paperwork being done that day.
Those are just some of the many, many, many ways that Mona showed her empathy and went the extra mile for me. And her empathy is just one of the many, many, many qualities that people don't commonly know. But as friends, we're truly blessed to get to experience it in our frequent interactions.
Having true, close, dependable and admirable friends is a blessing. Having one like Mona is all that, and even more. That's why on her birthday, I wish her all the blessings she deserves and everything her heart desires.
Happy Birthday, Mona!