Friday, March 04, 2022

FMM: Vacay okay!

The past 2 years, the thought of travel wasn't on top of the minds of people. With everyone asked to stay at home and indoors as much as possible, the thought of going out - especially out of town or out of the country - was farthest from people's minds.

Now that the borders are slowly opening and people are starting to travel again, we're seeing more and more relatives from abroad finally pushing through with their plans to vacation in Manila.

Yesterday, my cousin from the US dropped by the house. Next week, my relatives from Spain are finally visiting after 3 years.

And because of these vacations happening, my Friday Magic Madness song for today was inspired by this little factoid. And as people go on vacation, then it's time for The Go-go's "Vacation."

This 80s ditty has so many happy feels. From the beat to the instrumentation, to the joy of the singers. It really makes you want to pack your bags and fly off to a vacation somewhere.

Hopefully, it'll be our turn to vacation soon.

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