Saturday, March 20, 2021

After the Dream

The 2006 film version of "Dreamgirls" is a memorable film for me.

When it was released, I was still living in HKG and remember that it was one of the first films that I took the time out to see on the big screen. If memory serves me right, it was in IFC, right after work, on the first day of its commercial run. Blame it on the good reviews, especially about JHud's performance.

It turns out that the film didn't disappoint. Although there were some moments of cheese, and there were some song renditions which wasn't as great as the musical version (hello, Jennifer Holliday!) overall, the film was pretty good.

And when the DVD was eventually released at HMV, I bought a copy to re-watch the film at home.

One of my favourite parts of the film is actually a cliffhanger in the end. During the final scene where Effie White finally reunites with The Dreams, this happened:

From the first time this scene played, until now that I'm watching it again, the thought in my mind has always been: "What happened after?"

Did Curtis find out that Magic is his daughter with Effie? Did Effie tell Curtis the truth? Did Magic find out that Curtis is her Dad?

It would be great to have a part 2 of this film, if only to get an answer.

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