Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Golden Moments

When we were kids, Biboy and I were the quintessential "cat and dog." 

Our fights back then were very "kiddie," but epic! Usually, it would be about very shallow things - like toys, games, the TV, stuff like that. These would vary from fist fights, hiding each other's toys, chasing each other down Scout Gandia, and other things that - looking back - make be chuckle.

Maybe it was because we were opposites in a lot of ways. He liked Spandau Ballet while I preferred Duran Duran. He listened to Madonna while I'd listen to Cyndi Lauper. When musicians banded together to help the famine in Africa, he was team "Band Aid," while I was team "USA for Africa." Robot-wise, he liked Mazinger Z while I'm a Voltes V fan.

Not that we were complete opposites, though. We both liked BMX biking, Lego, Questor Magazines, and playing out in the street with the rest of the Gandia kids. We'd spend our summers biking around the Scout area, going to Baraquiel's Bike Shop along Morato, and trying out different "exhibitions" on our bikes.

As we grew older, our "cat and dog" slowly became "birds of the same feather." We got along more, and realized that we have a lot more in common. In High School, we both went to LSQC and he was a batch ahead of me. Because of this, he would protect me from bullying and would often have his classmates to help. In college, even if we went to different schools, we helped each other and had each other's back.

Eventually, we graduated and started working. He worked in Laguna, Bulacan, and eventually moved to Davao City. We would always look forward to his visits to Manila because it was the first time one of our siblings moved away. But it's true that distance makes the heart grow fonder, because we felt closer even if we were islands apart.

In 1996, he got married and made me his Best Man. That was really an honour! I also helped out in organizing his wedding, which was what inspired me to eventually be a part-time wedding planner.

Then, in 2002, he moved with his whole family to GA, which was way, way farther than Davao. 

Just like when he moved to Davao, his move to the US kept us closer. After all, we had Ooma and the Internet. We also looked forward to our trips to GA to visit him, and his trips to MNL to visit us.

Despite the many visits, one stood out the most. In 2019, when I got sick, he dropped everything and flew to Manila to check-up on me. And that meant the world - and the universe - to me. It was one of the reasons why I got better as fast as I did, seeing Biboy and having him around for weeks. 

As Biboy celebrates his Golden year today, it makes me break out in a big smile while remembering all these moments shared together. From our "cat and dog" childhood to our "birds of the same feather, flock together" adulthood. 

These moments make me extremely grateful to have a brother who's worth his weight in Gold!

Happy Golden Birthday, Biboy! Let's celebrate soon!

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