Saturday, December 26, 2020

In a (Holi)daze

Surprise boxes aren't a new thing.

This is actually quite common in Japan. Mark and I would buy those mystery boxes in a corner store along Takeshita-Dori in Harajuku. Usually, it would have some funky Japanese toy which would be worth the Yen we'd pay for the box.

Plains & Prints has its own version of this Mystery box which they call their "Holidaze Box."

For P1994 (according to the owner, it's priced after their foundation year), you get a mystery box with an outfit and accessories. Apparently, you get at least 4 items inside the box, which is a good deal for the price. Plus, it's only available online.

I think this is the daze that I'll get a box. Just to try it out.

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