Sunday, December 27, 2020

Chic to Shiec

My liking for the brand Kashieca is long-standing.

It started when they were still an independent brand, until they were eventually bought by the Bench group.

From the time they were rolling out feminine and chic dresses on their own, until they came up with collaborations with Randy Ortiz, then JC Buendia, then the most recent one with Lucy Torres-Gomez, I've been a fan. 

In fact, I remember regularly visiting their store in Greenbelt 5 when I worked in Makati. When I moved to Ortigas, I'd check out their SM Megamall branch on a weekly basis. When they were still open at Gateway Mall, I'd also be a weekly visitor. Then, when the malls would go on sale - even the far-off ones - I'd go there precisely to check out Kashieca.

But of course, the last time I went inside their store was in February, before all this happened. And you can just imagine how much I miss the brand.

Until last week, of course.

Yes, belated as it may be, I just very recently discovered that they were at LazMall.

Now, I'm back to visiting the store on a daily basis!

Albeit online.

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