Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Skirt week: Mixed-up tribe

Whenever you find an article of clothing that's really nice and chic, you buy it in all available colors!

That's a philosophy I often follow, especially when it comes to t-shirts.

So, that beautiful tribal skirt in green that I wrote about yesterday? They have it in mustard! So I had to buy it!

Now, this color also had a matching shirt, but I decided against buying it. Instead, I decided to mix it up and pair this printed skirt with a plain shirt!

This shirt is from Penshoppe, and it's amazing how the color perfectly blends in with the dominant colors of the skirt. Then, the blue sash is what breaks the monotony, giving it a much needed breather.

See, a plain and printed combination with a tribal theme can be just as chic!

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