Sunday, June 09, 2019

LFLTAT: Compleat look

Being a frequent Plains and Prints customer, i’ve managed to get insider information from the store managers and clerks at one time or another.

Among those insider information is this tidbit about the on-going Purple Sale. They’ve classified their stores, and the sale stock depends on the store classification.

For example, the “A” stores carry the 2018 collections at 30-50% off. Then, the “B” stores carry 2017 items at 60% off. Some “B” stores also have older stock which they sell for P350, P400 and P600.

After finding out that Plains and Prints in Ali Mall is a “B” store, I had to drop by and check if they had fab finds. And they did.

First, this color blocked pleated skirt. The color is so chic!

Second, this white top with an asymmetric fringe. I got it In white to echo the center of the skirt.

Together, This chic and complete look only cost P750!

Completely awesome!

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