Friday, June 21, 2019

FMM: Lasting impression

As it often happens, I'd be doing something really random, and suddenly, a song refrain pops in my head. It usually comes in a phrase or a sentence, and it's so distinct that I can hear it clearly.

Then, I'll spend the next hour trying to figure out what the song was. This sends me to google for the lyrics, or youtube for the melody.

Yesterday, that happened again. I knew it was a song from the 80s, and the lyrics were: "Open up your eyes, then you'll realize, be a lasting part of everlasting love."

It didn't take long to find out that it's a 1987 hit from an artist called Sandra. And, true to form, the title is: "Everlasting Love."

And that's how I came up with this week's Friday Magic Madness song.

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