Friday, August 13, 2021

FMM: Stairway to Memories

There's really something "feel good" about 70s songs.

Each time I recall and hear songs from this decade, especially the upbeat and pop ones, it feels like rainbows and bluebirds will suddenly pop-up from behind me. Then, i'll be snapping my fingers and bobbing my head, then do a shuffle or two.

Certain 70s songs also remind me of my first job at Adformatix. A lot of my colleagues were very much into 70s music and it would be something that they'd play whenever we'd work late. It made the work atmosphere very light and pleasant, and we would break out into impromptu dance numbers.

One of those songs popped into my head again this week, so I'm putting it as today's Friday Magic Madness song. It's a popular song by Paul Jabara about a date that was delayed by a faulty door. Strange, but true.

Only the 70s can make a situation like this sound fun and danceable.

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