Friday, August 27, 2021

FMM: Pop and Lock

The first time I heard today's Friday Magic Madness song was in the 90s. 

It was in Adformatix and one of my colleagues played it while we were working overtime for one of our many pitches. 

Back then, the sound and vibe of this pop song was so current, I thought it was a new song that just came out. But after asking my colleague about it, his reply shocked me.

The song turned out to be a song from the 70s - 1979 to be exact. It was a catchy song with a bit of electronica, and it was sung by a group with a name composed of just one letter - M!

That song is "Pop Muzik."

Listening to it again today, 42 days since it first went on air, it would be easy to mistake it for a new and current song. That's how timeless it is.

Now, I"m locked to listening to this song again.

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