Saturday, October 24, 2020

Malted Gold!

Back when I was a kid, there was a popular malt candy called Horlicks.

These yummy tablets were available in 2 variants: Blue for the plain Malt candies, and Red for the Chocolate Malt candies. Back then, it was considered a "healthy" candy because it was made of malt and wasn't too sweet.

Eventually, the brand disappeared in the Philippines, but it was still pretty much present in other countries in the SEA region. 

One of the countries where you can still find Horlicks Malt is SG. They sell iced Horlicks in hawker centres and I'd make it a point to buy a few glasses every trip there.

It's been more than a year since I've been to SG, and admittedly, I'm missing the malty-choco taste of the brand.

Good thing they have a ready-to-mix version which can easily be transported from SG to MNL.

So, while I can't go to SG yet, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll be Horlicks who'll be coming to MNL soon.



rainydaysandsunsets said...

You can also find Horlicks in most Indian groceries here! I was raised on Horlicks, not so much on Milo. But with the advent of online shopping, I'm sure it would be one Shopee search away.

Hi Sir Lester! Randomly remembered your blog. Hope you're doing well!

Dazed and Confused said...

Hi Jas! I should look for it at Assad Mini Mart or some other Indian Groceries I see. How are you? Glad to see you here!