Tuesday, October 27, 2020

How's the Wedel?

It was a random purchase from an online supermarket.

Since they didn't have my usual chocolate wafer brands - Take It and KitKat - I decided to try their only available brand, E. Wedel.

It was an unfamiliar brand, so I didn't keep my hopes nor expectations up. But after the first bite, I couldn't help but think, "Heck, this is really, really good!"

After doing some research, it turns out that this is one of the oldest and biggest chocolate brands in Poland. I guess you can say that E. Wedel in Poland is like Hershey's in the US or Lindt in Switzerland. Read: it's a legit brand with super high quality.

You can actually tell by the creaminess of the chocolate and the crunch of the wafer. This ain't now cheap chocolate.

Looks like I have another brand to add to my chocolate repertoire.

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