Sunday, September 06, 2020

Look what you made me Dew

Since Mello Yello isn't available in the Philippines anymore, Mountain Dew has become my default when I'm looking for something citrusy. Back in my HS days, Mello Yello was my default soda, and it was what I'd always buy in our canteen, or in the nearby "OK Food Stop" across Lourdes Shrine.

Last time I was able to enjoy Mello Yello was back in the US. And boy, did I cherish that moment.

We're not in the US, though, so you'll just occasionally see the bright, neon green bottle of Mountain Dew in our fridge whenever the citrus craving arises. That ubiquitous bottle that you also see being recycled into vases and other display items by the road.

During my last 7-11 visit, there was this strange bottle inside the cooler. It said "Mountain Dew", but it wasn't neon green but was clear! Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a new variant - Mountain Dew Ice!

It's their new lemon-lime flavour, which is their basically their answer to Sprite.

Looks interesting. Now I'm wondering if it tastes interesting, too.

There's only one way to find out...

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