Tuesday, September 15, 2020

A feather on H&M's cap

Cool kids in the 90s and 00s will definitely know this.

"Kangol Caps."

These iconic caps were a mainstay during those decades, and a lot of hip-hop artists had this brand on their heads. That's why a lot of the cool kids followed.

But like many "cool" brands, it eventually went "cold." Then, it pretty much dropped out of the scene.

Until now.

In a bid to be cool and relevant again, Kangol is now the latest collaboration partner of H&M! Plus, to up it's cool-cred, they're teaming up with award-winning singer and songwriter - Mabel!

Sounds interesting, though I haven't seen any of the products in this collaboration. So, let's wait and see before we put a cap on this collaboration.

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