Monday, August 05, 2019

Sarte-rial Choice

The moment I saw their poster at the Plains and Prints branch in SM Megamall, I was instantly intrigued.

Having been a watcher - and buyer - of Plains and Prints collaborations for many years, their "Beyond 25" was an ambitious project. Imagine, 15 designers - both young and seasoned - designing 30 pieces for this capsule collection.

I was on board.

When the collection hit the stores, I made a conscious effort to look at the garment and not the designer. Although it was easy to guess some of the pieces and who made them, but some were a bit hard to figure out.

Among the 30 pieces, the first one that caught my eye was this dress which, in my observation, looked like something that Charina Sarte would make.

It's a wrap dress with strategically placed ruffle details. I've seen something similar in her Greenbelt 5 store, which made me suspect that this was her design.

And it is!

For me, this is the money piece of the collection. That's why it was the first one that I got for Ate.

The first of several, given how nice the capsule collection is.

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