Saturday, August 24, 2019

Meals with Mark: Bread and Breakfast

On our first day in Jakarta, Mark and I decided to walk around our neighborhood - Gajah Mada.

As we traversed down the road, we encountered a lot of Padang Padang, street food stalls, and quaint, little restaurants.

But when Mark saw Suisse Bakery, he said that he read about that ,and it was one of the oldest and most popular bakeries in Jakarta. So, risking life and limb, we crossed the busy highway to get there.

What Mark read about is true. It was around 9am, and the bakery was packed! And it was packed with people who looked like regulars, because they're buying a lot, and their purchases are carefully curated. It's the handiwork of long time Suisse bakery fans!

Mark eventually got the quiche, while I went to the blueberry bread. Then, we decided to share a cinnamon roll.

And that was our first breakfast in JKT.

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