Monday, January 13, 2014

Fun in the dark

"Total Black Out" is something that Mark and I discovered during our weekend trip to Tagaytay. It's a game show with a very novel concept - 4 people are supposed to do scary tasks in a pitch black room, and the last person standing who does them all successfully wins $5,000.00. To win, they need to use their other 4 senses: touch, smell, taste and hearing.

No one - not even the contestants - know how well they did and how they fared against their competition. The only way they find out is when they jump on a trap door. The one who did the worst falls into the chute.

The challenges range from scary to creepy to hilarious. The episode we watched featured a challenge where the contestants are supposed to guess an object just by smelling it. And here's a Pinoy guy trying to identify the smell "sweaty armpits." He identified it as "a dead animal." Harhar.

I'm surprised that I was in the dark about this show for all this time. It's definitely worth watching, if only for the laughs.

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