Second attempt was in 2005. Kylie was bringing her "Showgirl" Tour to Asia, and I was planning to go to Singapore to watch it. But after the successful launch of the tour in the UK, she was diagnosed with cancer and had to cancel the tour. So my only consolation was that it was on DVD and I ended up watching that.
Two weeks ago, while on a trip to HKG with my Dad and Sis, I saw the poster for Kylie X. This was it! The chance to watch Kylie is finally here! Luckily, Alex also wanted to watch the show, so she bought our tickets last week. Thinking the concert was on Wednesday, I flew in on Monday. On Tuesday, Alex told me that my dates are mixed up and the concert was on Thursday. How's that for confusion.
But last night, after 2 missed chances and 1 missed flight, I've finally watched Kylie Minogue on tour.
View from the top. We actually wanted front row seats, but they were sold out immediately. Turns out there are a lot of Kyliephiles in Hong Kong. Among them were my former officemates Kath and Liza. Seeing them was such a pleasant surprise. Judging by the attendance, fans came in all ages and nationalities. The kid behind me was an 8-year old Briton.
The backdrop was the highlight of the production. Unlike the "Showgirl" tour which featured moving lights, a video backdrop, elevating stage and other 3-D gimmickry, this concert was more modest. According to some folks I talked to after the concert, the reason for this was the very small size of the stage in HKG.
The good thing about our seats was the fact that it was right beside the screen. So we were still able to see Kylie in a larger than life way.
Gold confetti heralded her song. She sang most of my favorites like Wow, Spinning Around, On a night like this, Can't get you out of my head, and Better the Devil you know. Conspicuously absent were Chocolate, In your eyes and Especially for you.
She had 2 encores and people just wouldn't stop shouting "MORE!" That's when Kylie brought out the big guns and sang "I should be so Lucky." The audience went wild and everyone just started jumping and dancing.
After that iconic song, the crowd went home happy. And I went home with a Tour t-shirt and the satisfaction of having finally seen Kylie perform in person.
Next on the list: Britney Spears!
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