Monday, December 05, 2005

Cold Rush

And the temperature continues to drop in Hong Kong. 

Today, it's said to be 11 degrees, which would qualify as "a tad bit too chilly." 

There are certain signs that tell you that the weather is too cold, and some of them i've observed the past few days. You know it's too cold when: 
 - People don't drink their Starbucks coffee, rather they use the cup to warm their hands. 
- Women wear socks with their pumps. (And I do mean socks and not stockings.) 
- The upper part of my jaws hurt. 
- I keep the water in shower running even when I soap because I immediately feel cold when it's turned off. 
- I run around the house from room to room in search of a warm spot. 
- My hands turn blue when it's exposed for more than 5 minutes. 
- You'd rather stay inside the office during lunchtime. 
- Staying outdoors for more than 10 minutes makes your nose run. 

Another setback of the cold weather for me is the fact that I can't wear my distressed jeans as often. Today, i'm wearing my Abercrombie and Fitch jeans with a lot of holes, and I must say that it feels like somebody poured 5 bags of ice in my jeans, and let them stay there. I can also imagine an air-conditioning unit attached to the interior of my jeans - and I mean that in a bad way. 

 Now I know why polar bears just hibernate during times like these. A few more weeks of this and i wouldn't mind hibernating myself.

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