Friday, February 25, 2022

FMM: Dane-ish

Today is the last Friday Magic Madness of February, which also means that it's the last "Heart" themed song, at least for this year. Or maybe not.

With so, so, so, SO many great songs with "heart" in their titles and lyrics, it's such a challenge to choose a song to feature today. Several questions came to my mind while choosing the song:

- What decade should it be from? Should it be from the 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s?

- Should it be a ballad, a jazz song, a dance song?

- Is it a local, US, or European act?

In the process of thinking, I suddenly remembered the film from a few days ago, "The Prince & Me." This film featured a Danish Prince. The people from Denmark are also called "Danes." And when the word "Danes" pops-up, a favourite singer from the 80s who I've written about several times already, comes to mind.

And with that, our "Heart" song for today's FMM is...

Yes! "Tell it to my heart" from Taylor Dane!

You don't need to tell my heart that this song is awesome. It was awesome when I'd listen to it as a boy back in 1987. It's still awesome listening to it now.

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