Monday, January 07, 2019

From beside Orlando Suites to Orlando, Florida

Any teacher will attest, it's a genuinely gratifying feeling whenever we see students blazing a trail and making a difference in the world. It's a feeling that grows exponentially when you see a student doing it internationally.

Keith first became my student when she was in 2nd year. It was such a joy to handle their batch because they were filled with the best and brightest Mass Comm students.

I particularly remember Keith because she was a very insightful and creative student. And in advertising, these 2 qualities are important - knowing how to mine and understand insights, and translating it into creative work.

Aside from that, she was smart, kind-hearted, and from Bicol! Now that's a winning combination.

Before the 2018 ended, I had the wonderful opportunity to have lunch with Keith. In Orlando! Yup, after many years and thousands of miles, I had the opportunity to connect with her, and meet her husband.

Just like when she was a student, Keith remains that insightful, creative, smart and kind-hearted young lady from section 202A of SSC. And it's gratifying to know that she's using these qualities as she blazes a trail in digital marketing in Miami.

So, from the school beside Orlando Suites to Boi Brazil in Orlando, Florida, we've definitely come a long way.

And I'm sure this is just the beginning of an even longer, more fruitful career for Keith in the near future.

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