Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Taylor made

When I was a wee little boy, I remember watching TV and catching this movie about Cleopatra - the ruler of Egypt who was as beautiful as she was cunning and ruthless. At that time (and even up until now), I've been fascinated by all things Egyptian, and the story of Cleopatra was definitely one of them.

Apart from the story, the other element that drew me into the film was the actress playing the part - Elizabeth Taylor. She was perfect for the role: beautiful, innocent, wily, manipulative, but still keeping her fragility all throughout.

I've watched the movie countless times since the first time, and Elizabeth Taylor just keeps on shining in this role.

Tonight, that shining star faded out. Dame Elizabeth Taylor passed away due to a lingering illness.

They don't make stars like they used to, and because of this, I'm sure Elizabeth Taylor will be sorely missed.

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