Sunday, January 09, 2011

A gran-ola time

Thanks to the folks, I've got a big stash of granola bars both at home and at the office. Just like yogurt, I'm a big fan of granola bars. It can probably be considered a "healthy indulgence" since granola bars are usually low fat.

Among my favorite granola bar brands are these two which they brought:

Quaker Chewy has a great texture - similar to those rice crispies squares that Auntie Eden makes. But unlike the rice crispies squares, this one won't give you that much of a sugar rush.

Then, there's Nature Valley. I've been snacking on this brand since HKG, and while they have it in supermarkets in Manila, they don't have all the variants. The trail mix variety is one of my all-time favorites. And they got me a box! Woohoo!

Healthy snacking, here we come!

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