Sunday, February 02, 2025

Eleventh Hour

Of course, no trip to Japan would be complete without the mandatory 7-11 food shot.

While at Shisui Outlets, saw a 7-11 tucked in one of the corridors. After realising that I haven't had a 7-11 meal yet, it was clear that this was the time to do it. Ended up with a sandwich, onigiri and - of course - Fanta Grape!

Convenience really is more delicious in Japan!

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Just my Luck

Another cool discovery during this trip to Japan.

We saw this store called "Luck Rack" at the Aeon Mall near Kaihinmakuhari station. It was a big store with racks and racks of different types of clothing. In addition, there are shelves and shelves of shoes, accessories and what-have-yous.

Going through the racks, they sold Japanese brands, including iconic ones like Edwin Jeans. The prices are very low, with most of the items being 70% off the original price.

Upon asking, the staff told me that this is where the Japanese stores send their off-season items to be disposed. So, it's pretty much like the Marshall's or Ross of Japan.

There were so many nice items that it was difficult to choose what to buy. Eventually, the blouses they had were so cool and chic that the bag in the photo ended up being packed with blouses. That included 2 sheer blouses, 2 bomber jackets in tulle, and a two-fer blouse.

Next time I'm in Japan, I'll try my luck here again.