Wednesday, December 29, 2021

LFLTAT: Hall Pass

"Annie Hall" is truly a breakthrough and an unforgettable film.

Aside from sweeping so many awards in 1978, including a Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress award in that year's Oscars, another thing that "Annie Hall" is known for is the film's fashion.

Diane's "masculine-feminine" dressing became a trend after the film came out, and even decades after. Even until now, this film has inspired that kind of androgynous and carefree way of dressing.

Something that I was able to recreate for less than a thousand, thanks to sale pieces from Kashieca!

The key piece is this plaid, high waist pair of pants. The waist is cinched and the legs are wide, which is something that looks very 70s.

The top is a boxy button down with a plaid detail on the sleeves. That perfectly echoes the fabric of the pants, in a very subtle way.

Together, this outfit actually rang up to less than P700! And actually, if I wanted to, I could've found a matching pair of shoes for less than P300.

But I'm happy with the ensemble as it is, so the shoe will have to be a pass for now.

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