Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Onions, onions everywhere!

"For Good," is hands down my favorite song from the musical "Wicked." The lyrics are so heartfelt, and the original rendition of Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel really pulls the heartstrings hard!

Full disclosure, "For Good" is one of my ugly cry songs. Sometimes, I'd watch the original rendition of the song on youtube, and in rare instances, I'd end up with my face all crumpled and tears running down relentlessly.

So imagine my feeling when I saw this video from "A Very Wicked Halloween."

Not only does it feature the original Elphaba and Glinda, they've assembled different actresses who played the role in different times on different stages.

Gosh! At 2:44, when Idina and Kristin sing their solos and the rest of the cast sung chorus - bawl-o-rama!

It's like someone chopped open a gazillion onions in my vicinity. 

No, really. I'm not crying. It's just there are onions being chopped.

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