Wednesday, October 03, 2018

WATN: Judge and be judged

He was a staple in a lot of comedies in the 80s. He even headlined a lot of hit ones. In my book, he was like another Chevy Chase in the offing. His comic timing and subtlety were always spot on, which is no wonder why he was an in-demand comic during that decade.

One of my favorite films which starred this guy was "Vice Versa." Although the premise of the film wasn't really new - there was "Big" which was shown at almost the same time - the actors made it work. Actually, "Vice Versa" introduced me to the concept of "skids." Harhar.

His Hollywood appearances continued in the 90s, then begin tapering off from the mid-90s until the present. Nowadays, it's very rare that you catch him in Hollywood films, and even on TV.

Which begs the question, where in the world in Judge Reinhold?

His comic timing is really missed. Hope to see him in a film again soon.

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