Monday, July 09, 2012

LFLTAT: Tokyo Drift

Tokyo has this image of being a very expensive city. It's an image that is very much substantiated by articles and lists. For several years, Tokyo topped the list of "the most expensive cities to live in," before being bumped off by Russia. It was a list that was a result of extensive surveys of both expats and locals.

That said, it would almost be unthinkable that you can get a look-for-less-than-a-thousand in Tokyo. But in terms of shopping, I'd like to think the unthinkable. So, I took it as a challenge to try and find an awesome look for less than Y2,000. (Which is the equivalent of P1,000.)

Thank goodness for H and M! During my 2-week stay in Tokyo, I was able to - as Mark said - visit all the H and M branches in the Tokyo area. (Actually, Mark, I think I missed 2.) And the better news was, H and M was on sale when I got there. So, while the regular items were indeed a bit pricey, the ones on the sale racks were right within the budget range of LFTAT.

And here's a cool, relaxed and chic look for that amount:

I like the fact that the colors are so easy on the eyes. That and the fact that it looked cohesive because of the complementary colors. It starts with this cobalt blue t-shirt in the softest cotton material. Then, we top it off with a turquoise layered necklace.

The skirt is from the same color family, and is an interplay of seafoam green, blue gray, white, blue and a bit of black. The print is an ikat-type of pattern, and the hem of the skirt is the currently popular "high-low" hem. Very nice and very on-trend.

When combined, this look is perfect for a weekend shopping jaunt, or even for the office. It's versatile, it's timeless, and most importantly, it's less than a thousand pesos!

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