Saturday, November 10, 2018

Goodbye, Joe.

It broke my heart when the news reached us last Wednesday.

And it breaks my heart even more seeing this posted in school today.

Chelsea was one of my students in AVP. As a student, she was very intelligent, creative and full of ideas. She was always a bubbly presence in my class, and her output reflected that.

Another facet of Chelsea that I remember was her voice. She had this beautiful and soothing vocal quality that we'd hear whenever she'd do the VO of her productions. In fact, I told her that she should audition as a professional voice talent because she's a shoo-in.

Last time I spoke to her was during her batch's Baccalaureate Mass. And as fate would have it, that would be the last time.

Vaya con Dios, Chelsea. May you find the happiness and peace that this world wasn't able to give you.

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