Friday, January 26, 2018

FMM: When life gives you Clemmons

On days where you just feel like having a happy, peppy day, certain songs quickly come to mind, and quickly pop-up my playlist.

One of my favorite songs-of-this-sort is a popular ditty with a not-too-famous singer. I'm sure you've heard this song before, but do you know the singer?

"Give me just a little more time," is a song that a lot of people my generation danced to. It's a hit song from the 70s which was played all the way until the early 90s. Which gives it a spot as a Friday Magic Madness song.

The singer, Angela Clemmons. I'm sure that's the first time you heard that name, eh.

Give it a little more time, and you'll have this song as your LSS.

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