Thursday, July 07, 2022

LFLTAT: Mimicking Miyake

Issey Miyake is a fashion legend.

This avant-garde designer from Japan introduced and revolutionized the concept of pleats in fashion. It was in the 80s and 90s when his designs were recognized by the world, and people never saw pleats the same way again.

He turned pleats into sculptures that flattered the body, and it made pleats a part of mainstream fashion.

He immediately came to mind when I saw this blouse at The SM Store.

This beautiful cocoon-type blouse in a powdery, old rose color looks so chic. And it mimics the pleating style of Issey. What made this blouse even better was the fact that it was on sale!

With such a fashionable top, all it needs is a classic pair of dark denim jeans to make it pop.

Incidentally, the jeans were also on sale. Because of that, this whole outfit rang up to less than a thousand pesos!

But with the top alone, it looks so, so, so much more expensive!

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