Wednesday, February 09, 2022


There’s truly a plethora of awesome memories I have of Tokyo and Japan. That has been well-documented on this blog.

But one of the daily, quiet memories that I cherish are those ordinary and daily trips that Mark and I would take on either the JR line or the Marunochi Subway line. This was often from IH2 to GRIPS.

During those daily rides, while waiting for the train to arrive, Mark would usually sit down and i’d Be scouting the nearby vendo machines for something to buy.

One of those things that I often get is this Salt and Lychee drink from Kirin.

I’m a huge fan of Lychees that’s why this drink is always on top of my list. Along with Fanta grape. 

Not only do I buy this at the Eli, but whenever Mark and I would go to Lawson, Mini-Stop, 7-i, Aeon Supermarket and other obscure konbinis, i’d buy this drink whenever it was available.

So, imagine my thrill and surprise when I went to the Japanese store near the house and found this:

It's my Kirin Salt and Lychee drink!!! Mark would understand why I'm so psyched about this. Harhar.

Cheers to finding this and getting to enjoy it again. 

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