Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Lightness of being

Church Architecture is something that I've always been a fan of, even as a kid.

That's why our trip to Mexico was such a blessing because they have so many - like hundreds - of beautiful churches. From the big cities to the small towns, the place was teeming with beautiful churches - both quaint and grandiose.

Recently, I saw this post about a Church in Osaka, Japan which was designed by famed Japanese architect, Tadao Ando. It's called "Church of the Light."

This is a church that's breathtaking in its simplicity. This is so true to the Japanese aesthetic of minimalism, yet it's very meaningful. I love the play of the glass and how it forms the main crucifix in a very quiet and elegant way.

When Mark and I are able to go back to Japan, this is one place that we'll definitely be visiting.

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