Friday, May 01, 2020

FMM: Counting on each other

Another thing that's very important these days is having someone to count on. Sometimes, the days can be trying and you can easily get weary. And during those times, it helps to have someone you can count on - family, friends, faith, even complete strangers, at times.

That's one of the things that this situation has taught us. That we can count on people, and people can count on us. In may be things that are small or mundane, but what's important is knowing that someone has your back, and there's someone you can count on.

This leads me to this Friday Magic Madness song from the 90s - a classic, feel-good ditty from the combined powerhouse voices of Whitney Houston and Cece Winans.

Yes, let's thank the people we can count on. And let us be someone that other people can count on, too.

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