Thursday, April 16, 2020

Sketchy Stories: Drawn to it!

When i’m at the office and waiting for emails or work to be cleared, I usually walk around the office to check how people are. This includes people within the department, as well as our other officemates in our 60+ strong company.

Now that I’m working from home, there’s no creative team or other departments to walk to. So, I had to find other ways of spending my time while waiting for emails and work to be cleared.

And one of those things is Pret-a-Template. Yup, that app I wrote about some weeks back.

It’s a good way to spend my spare time. While waiting for emails to come in, i’d often look at the fabrics lying around or packed in recyclable bags, and from there, I would sketch the design on the app.

And since we’re already a month into this work-from-home scenario, i’ve done a lot waiting. Thus, a lot of sketching, too.


Gosh, if this continues, I might end up with a full collection by the time the CQ is over.

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