Friday, April 17, 2020

FMM: Together

One thing this entire experience is teaching me is that we can accomplish more and achieve more if we work together.

Whether it's at home, at work, or in our community, each one of us has a role to play. Each one of us has a responsibility to do. Each one of us has a stake in the outcome.

There's no more concept of "You" and "I," and the only way to get things done and moving is when there's a "We." A "We" that works together for a common goal, for a common good.

And this reminds me of this song from the 1970s film "Lost Horizon." I'm not sure whose it was, but we had a VHS tape of this movie in our house in Morato. That was way back in the late 80s, so the film was more than a decade old by the time is saw it.

The song was "Living Together, Growing Together."

That's what we need now. A sense of togetherness in achieving a common good for our nation.

I have faith that we can do that.

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