Sunday, July 02, 2017

Directorial style

Being an avid watcher of music videos, there are times when I see an MTV and automatically think: "Haven't I seen this before?"

Usually, there's an element in that video that triggers a degree of deja vu. And oftentimes, it's because the director of those 2 videos turn out to be just one person.

I had that feeling of deja vu when I saw the latest MTV of Little Mix entitled "Power."

The first time I saw it, there was a strong sense of "I've definitely seen something like this before." And after a quick scan of my mental video bank, I remembered "Bang Bang" by Jessie J., Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj.

Naturally, I was tres intrigued and immediately googled.

My hunch was correct. They're both directed by the same woman, Hannah Lux Davis.

I like her visual style. I should look for her other videos.

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