Friday, May 24, 2013

FMM: Majica Mexicana

Almost a decade ago, I was in Mexico for an exchange program.

While I was there, I got hooked on a Thalia song which was her latest single back in 2002. It was a song that was very upbeat, had a techno feel to it, and was a different sound from what she's previously done. Plus, the video was fun to look at. It's like "Thalia does Britney." Harhar.

I was so hooked, that I actually knew some of the lyrics and could sing-along at some parts. Something that my "foster parents" thought was adorable. "Que Lindo," was what they would say.

The song was "A Quien Le Importa."

Pardon me while I go Mexican on today's Friday Magic Madness.

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