Then again, it's the 14th of February today, so Happy Valentine's Day, world!
Just like Christmas, it would be great if everyone had the Valentine's day spirit every single day of the year. That way, everyone would be loving, and mushy, and giving away chocolates everyday. And the world would be filled with swooning, overweight people. Hmmm... maybe it isn't such a good idea. Harharhar.
But the red i'm seeing today is our office building lobby. Since Chinese New Year is only 3 days away, they've brought out all the red lanterns, red firecrackers, red laisees and coupled it with mandarin orange trees and prosperity coins. The result is a festive and supposedly-prosperous look for AIA Tower.
Right now, the whole of Hong Kong is awash in red. From buildings to malls to shops to flats. Good thing my bedroom has always been bedecked in red, that way i'm participating in the celebration. Plus, red is my all-time favourite colour! Seeing that hue makes me happy. And at the rate they're bringing out all the red decorations around the city, it looks like i'll be very happy the next few weeks.
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