Like many holidays, the long Chinese New Year weekend just zip zap zoomed by. After five fantastic days in Japan and 2 brief stopovers in Manila, I found myself on the first flight back to Hong Kong this morning. Now i'm back at the office, poring through the deluge of emails that came in, and the gamut of work that has to be attended to.
Although I've already written 2 scripts and attended another teleconference with the Thai office in the past 6 hours, I still feel i'm not working at my full-potential. Yup, there's a part of me that's a bit lazy.
Who wouldn't be? For the past 5 days, I was just lazing around and drifting along. The weather in Japan - both in Tokyo and Urasa - was uber conducive to lazing. Days were spent just lazing in bed tucked under a thick comforter, then preparing breakfast in the room, then lazing on the carpet watching movies or playing the searching game that Mark taught me. In the evening, we'd have dinner with friends, talk about the different terms for the male and female reproductive organs (pretty interesting after-dinner conversation - I must say), then watch more movies! After that, it's back to bed tucked under a thick comforter, lazing around until sleep comes along.
Ah yes, bliss!
No deadlines. No meetings. No teleconferences. Just day after wonderful day of quality time. Of course, there was no work, too. Athough I attempted to bring work just in case advertising inspiration kicked in. But given the state of pure bliss I was in, advertising - and anything work related - was suddenly tucked away in some far recess of my mind. All that mattered was the moment I was in, and as Aerosmith put it:
"I just want to be with you, right here, right now, just like this."
Yup, that pretty much summarizes it.
But as the old adage goes, "time flies when you're having fun." (Or Mark's version: Time flies. I can't, they're too fast.) So now, i'm back in front of my computer typing this entry after a 2 and a half hour meeting. At the same time, i'm looking back at those wonderful lazy days and hoping that days like those come along again soon.
One nice thing about going back to work is that they've been giving away these little babies:

In-deed! The lai-sees are back! Just like last year, our married colleagues, as well as the top management members give us red packets filled with moolah! And i've received 7 lai-sees so far, and i'm expecting to get a few more the next few days.
Last year, I was able to buy a pair of jeans, a shirt and a jacket with my lai-see money. I wonder what goodies I can get with this year's stash.
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