First, I wandered into this place called Apex and they sold a lot of boxer shorts and other sleepwear. When I was in San Miguel, I was addicted to boxer shorts and was a regular fixture at All Boxed Up. That's why during one of my birthdays, they put up a clothesline and festooned it with shorts. Needless to say, that was one of the coolest gifts I got. Strangely though, I haven't been collecting boxer shorts during the past few years. And today's stash seems to make up for that.

Then, it was off to the Esprit Outlet to see if they have any interesting new jackets. Unfortunately, they didn't. What they had, though, were beautiful Indian bags on sale! Whenever I see things like these, my logic goes on automatic shutdown and I just grab whatever I can in the limited time I have. These were all the bags they had, and they're all mine. ALL MINE! Mwahahaha!

Was also able to get a couple of nice shirts at Bossini. They were nice in a "daddy" kind of way, which simply means they're going straight to Atlanta for Dad. Then a couple of shawls for Mom. It's their birthday in a few weeks, and hopefully I can mail these on time.
Ah yes. This is what I call shopping therapy. Nope, the bum knee is still here, and something tells me it'll be a bit more sore tomorrow because of what I subjected it to tonight.
But with a stash like this, who cares.
Plus, I have to rush back home now. America's Top Model is on in 15 minutes!
1 comment:
Hey Les,
Thanks for the chinese postcard. I just recieved today.. You always makes my day surprising. Thanks so much...
Till then Amigo!!
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