I'm not fond of getting attention, and someone greeting you "happy birthday" every 5 minutes for 24 hours is as about attention getting as it gets. But if it's another person's birthday, I won't have second thoughts organizing a grand party complete with invites and giveaways. It's the hallmark of being a youngest child - my preference to be in the background, skittering around quietly.
Thank goodness, I share my birthday with Grace, another friend from college. Ergo, whenever we celebrate, I try to pass the spotlight to her more. And whilst I shy away from the attention, there's one part of birthdays I don't shy away from.
Presents, of course.
Yesterday, a few days before my birthday, I received my first present. It was a nice, white box sent by Mark from Japan. Inside were some Japanese goodies i've been incessantly noshing on when I was in Tokyo last September, and he thought of sending some to me in Hong Kong. Plus, there were letters from him and some of the new friends I made in Japan.

The sweets were great, but the letters were the best part of the present. I love receiving and reading letters. Maybe it's because i'm a writer that's why my love for the art of letter writing has never diminished. Receiving written letters in my mailbox always gives me an adrenalin rush. And the letters contained in the gift box gave me enough adrenalin to last the year.
This was an excellent way to kick start my birthday this year. Later, there are a few parties to attend - with Grace there, of course (got to pass the spotlight on someone, you know.) If they're half as good as this box of surprises from Japan, then i'd probably be adrenalin charged until the first 3 quarters of 2007.
lester! if anyone deserves a happy birthday, it's you. :) happy birthday and may you have hundreds of shopping sprees to come!
hey, happy birthday! everybody deserves a birthday bash. hope you have a nice year ahead of you.
Ayuyao!!! Thank you, thank you for that fabulous wish that I hope will come true. Hahaha. But you must promise me that you'll come along on all the shopping trips.
Hey Alex. Thank you for the birthday wish.
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